Spurge, commonly known as spotted and/or prostrate spurge, is an annual summer weed that grows low and can reach up to three feet in diameter. This weed will not only appear in weak areas in your lawn, but also sidewalk cracks, gardens and landscape beds.
What Does Spurge Look Like?
Spurge grows out matted in a wagon wheel shape, centered with red and surrounded by green, oval-shaped leaves. Also, be aware of milky white sap that may ooze from it because it can irritate the skin.
How to Prevent or Control Spurge
Since this weed grows in areas with compacted soil, there are multiple ways to remove and prevent spurge.
- When the soil is moist, you can pull the weeds from the roots. Do this before it flowers so it can’t produce more seeds.
- Mulching is an effective way to smother the weeds before they grow too much.
- Applying a non-selective herbicide can also kill spurge when it’s young.
- Solarizing is also an option, but it will kill anything else in the soil that’s in that area.
And, as always, keeping a healthy and luscious yard with a lawn care program or mowing and maintenance program will prevent weeds from ruining your beautiful yard in the future.
Learn more about other lawn weeds in Northeast Ohio or contact us by filling out the form below.
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