This low-lying annual weed, also known as pusley or little hogweed, can resurrect multiple times if not taken care of when young.
From spring and throughout the summer, you’ll find purslane in disturbed areas.
How to Identify
Purslane is a creeping succulent that grows close to the ground with red stems and paddled-shaped leaves. This weed also blooms yellow, five-petaled flowers.

Prevent Purslane
In Your Lawn
Purslane can be controlled by hand weeding, killed with a post-emergent herbicide and prevented by maintaining a healthy lawn.
It’s best to hand weed and apply herbicide when the plant is young to prevent seeds from spreading. To make sure purslane doesn’t take over your lawn, fill out the form below to build and maintain a healthy lawn with our Deluxe Lawn Care Program and specialty services.
Rid Your Lawn of These Weeds
Just fill out the short form below to get started!