Grass Master


Also known as bull thistle, thistle is an aggressive perennial weed that thrives in disturbed areas, such as roadsides and pastures.

How to Identify
Lawn Thistle

Over its two-year life cycle, thistle starts off producing leaves that form a rosette, then flowering stems with pink-magenta flowers. Leaves on this weed are lobed with spined tips and have a rough surface with a soft underside.

Seen throughout the summer, and until early fall, this invasive weed grows best in intermediately moistened soil.


thistle weed with a single bright pink, spiky bloom and other spiky green bulbs with pink crowns about to bloom from stems with long leaves and sharp spines
Lawn thistle

Prevent Lawn Thistle

Since thistle only reproduces from seeding, it’s important to keep track of when the thistle blooms. Depending on how much thistle is growing, or has already grown, you can easily dig it out with a shovel or by hand.

Maintaining a regular mowing, and lawn maintenance schedule is the most effective way to control or remove thistle. Reach out to Grass Master to get started.

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