Grass Master

Wild Violet Weeds

Wild violet weeds, also known as common blue violet, meadow violet or hooded blue violet, are perennial, self-feeding weeds than can quickly take over your lawn.

How to Identify
Wild Violet Weeds

These low-growing, stubborn weeds begin to bloom in the moist, shady areas of your yard in mid-May.

Similar to the look of violas, pansies and other similar flowers, wild violet weeds are typically violet but can range from a deep blue to pure white. The flowers grow on individual, leafless stalks while the plant itself has heart-shaped, serrated and waxy leaves that end with a point.

group of Wild Violet Weeds with small heart-shaped purple leaves
Grass Master discussing lawn care services and program with customer at their home.

Prevent Wild Violet
In Your Lawn

If you regularly inspect your lawn, wild violet weeds can simply be removed by hand. For complete removal of larger sections, you can apply non-selective herbicide in the fall so the weed will absorb it throughout the winter. In the spring, you can then apply post-emergent herbicide.

To ensure further suppression of wild violet weeds, regular lawn maintenance can create a healthy, thick lawn and decrease the chances of the weed roots spreading. Contact us to get started.

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