Grass Master

Birch Tree Care Program

Our Birch Program offers an easy and effective way to ensure your trees are healthy. This important three-step program will protect your trees and keep them looking beautiful.

Round 1 of the best lawn care service - The Master Program

Round 1

This includes a Birch Bore Injection into the soil to prevent Birch Borer’s from destroying your beautiful trees.

Additional recommended services

Round 2

The second liquid application we apply is a Birch Leaf Miner treatment- including spraying the tree and leaves for insects.

Additional recommended services
Round 2 of the best lawn care service - The Master Program
Insect on a plant

Round 3

The last application applied is Deep Root Feeding, which feeds the trees through their root zone.

Additional recommended services

If you would like to schedule this program or learn more about our treatment services in the Northeast Ohio area for Birch trees, contact us online or call us toll free at 1-888-473-3637.