Fall Rejuvenation
Grass Master Inc. is excited to offer our customers our Fall Lawn Rejuvenation Program. This valuable savings program includes three important steps that will help revive your lawn from the humid, wet spring and dry summer months, and help fill in the thin areas with a highly desirable, more drought and disease resistant grass.
This program includes heavy core aeration, overseeding with a high quality turf grass and a fall root booster for your lawn.
Compacted soil and thatch are two big obstacles for Northeast Ohio lawns. Core aeration will help to improve these problems by allowing air, water and nutrients to reach the root system of your grass. Without over-seeding, your lawn accumulates undesirable grass types. Grass Master uses a high grade Kentucky Blue Grass mix that will not only help fill in the thin areas, but will also introduce a more desirable grass type to your yard. In this valuable program we will also apply a Fall Root Booster that helps stimulate the germination of the new seed along with improving your soil to help your lawn look greener and healthier.
Don’t miss out on this great deal! Call one of our representatives today at 1-888-473-3637 or contact us online, We look forward to hearing from you soon!