Have you ever found yourself wondering: What is THAT in my lawn? It might be a weed, an insect, or something that looks like fungus. Either way – it’s not welcome in your yard!
When the warm weather hits Ohio, the weeds and insects appear, as well as those fungus-looking spots all over? Lawn fungus often happens when the snow melts. You will be able to see that your yard has a disease. It’s so disappointing – just when you’re ready to welcome spring with a healthy, full lawn, you’re confronted with problems.
If this has happened to you, don’t worry. Grass Master, a locally owned company, is familiar with all of the most common spring and summer lawn diseases, weeds, and insects in Ohio. We offer expert identification of weeds, insects and lawn diseases and effective treatment options that help you restore the health of your grass and even prevent further damage.
Common Spring and Summer Weeds in Ohio
Do you have plenty of weeds, and can’t seem to get rid of them? Weeds are the enemy of any homeowner who wants a beautiful lawn. But once the warm weather hits Northeast Ohio, they start to show up. What are the most common spring and summer weeds in Ohio?
Crabgrass: If you ask Northeast Ohio homeowners to name the most infuriating weed, you’ll probably hear “crabgrass.” Crabgrass spreads quickly in cool season grasses, such as those found in Ohio. It sprawls low across the ground, growing from one central root. But the stems spread out widely, so it can quickly infiltrate a lawn.
Speedwell: Another common Ohio weed, speedwell has light blue or purple flowers. This creeping weed flourishes in Ohio soil that’s moist and shady.
Clover: Clover thrives in Northeast Ohio, particularly in weak parts of your lawn. It can be identified by three trifoliate egg-shaped leaf stems and white flowering nodes.
Ground Ivy: This perennial creeping weed grows in damp, fertile Ohio lawns. It has a heavily veined appearance and round, scalloped shaped leaves.
These are just a few of the types of lawn weeds found in Northeast Ohio. And if you have them, you need to remove them! Why is removing weeds in your yard so important? In addition to being unsightly, weeds can push out healthy grass.
If you want to keep your lawn weed-free, frequent attention with the right weed killers is the way to go. At Grass Master, our technicians are skilled at identifying weeds and applying the right type of treatment to eliminate them.
Common Spring and Summer Insects in Northeast Ohio Lawns
Insects can be a pest to both humans and well-manicured lawns. Some of the most common insects found in Ohio lawns are grubs, sod webworms, cutworms and armyworms.
Grubs: These white worms are actually beetle larvae. In Ohio, a variety of beetles give birth to grubs that appear in your lawn during the cooler season. Lawn grubs will cause insect damage to your grass in the form of large, irregular dead patches.
Sod Webworms: In Ohio, the most common damaging sod webworms are bluegrass sod webworms. During the late fall and early spring, these sod webworms larva feed on the grass, leaving small brown patches.
Cutworms: These destructive insects often damage golf courses and turf areas throughout Ohio, in the form of small, round dead spots.
Armyworms: These insects have caused substantial damage to lawns across Northeast Ohio recently, due to weather conditions that allowed them to thrive here – an area where they’re not typically found.
If you want to know how to get rid of lawn insects, you need Grass Master. At Grass Master, we have the expertise to identify exactly which bugs are damaging your lawn and provide the right products to control them. In addition to being able to treat your lawn for the common insects above, we have a flea and tick program, a specific grub control option and our Home Foundation Insect Shield, which protects your home from spiders, mites, ants and fleas.
Common Lawn Diseases in Ohio
If you see odd-looking patches in your grass or perhaps some thinning spots, you probably have lawn disease. Here are a few of the most common lawn diseases that plague Northeast Ohio homeowners.
Brown Patch Lawn Disease: This fungus can cause brown, dead spots in an otherwise healthy lawn and cause grass leaves to thin and wilt.
Dollar Spot Lawn Disease: Another grass fungus that causes small, circular spots in your lawn.
Gray Snow Mold: This appears after the snow has melted. This lawn fungus leaves white spotty areas in your lawn.
Leaf Spot Lawn Disease: This fungus appears as brown or black spots on leaves or blades of grass. It is a common disease of bluegrasses, a type of cool season grasses that grow in Ohio.
Pythium Blight: Dark, greasy-looking spots on your lawn is known as the lawn fungus, Pythium Blight. It can also be seen as white fluff in infected areas.
Red Threat: This fungus can quickly infiltrate your grass. It won’t kill your lawn but it can make it easier for other diseases and insects to infect it.
Rust Diseases: These diseases can cause yellow flecks to appear on grass leaf blades. Rust diseases can also make your grass blades thinner, leaving it prone to other problems and disease.
Lawn fungus looks scary, but with the right knowledge about products and the correct application, you can save your grass. At Grass Master, we treat all types of lawn fungus, and we’re familiar with all of the possible fungal diseases as well as the best treatments.
Need Expert Attention for Your Lawn?
Contact us at Grass Master. We understand the needs of Ohio lawns and know how to help your yard look its best.